Tuesday 25 May 2010

Inspiration: Some Racier Looks

As I’ve been feeling a lot more confident of late I’m tempted to try a couple of racier looks for a couple of the racier clubs in the area. I’ll expand more on that soon.


I’m not keen on the makeup in this one but the outfit is pretty good.


A similar theme, it wasn’t that long ago that I was too shy to show my legs off like this . Though I don’t think I’ll be quite as draggy as Collogen Girl!



This is something I’m considering for a more dramatic daytime look. Ironically this photo is lifted from a show that tries to discourage such over the top looks. I don’t think I’m meant to be taking inspiration!

Still confidence is good!

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Could be an interesting read

I must say that RuPaul's new book Workin' It!: Rupaul's Guide to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Style looks rather interesting... definitely one that I'm going to have to acquire when I get the chance. I was rather addicted to the first series of Drag Race and was especially inspired by the divine Nina Flowers and am pleased to see that she is contributing.

I'll have to do a review when I get my copy.

Monday 17 May 2010

Not Dead Yet

Just a mini update – I’ve been neglecting this blog again (I have a tendency to end up doing stuff then forgetting to write about it.) So here is a little glimpse into my life this weekend. There is a lot of geekage, with some glamour :)

Saturday was a rather mixed day with lots of fail tempered with one bit of quite epic win.

The first of the fails was with the PC, it has recently taken to crashing when the system is under load. I suspect it is the power supply as it seemed to improve when I disconnected some of the drives. So a new power supply is on order. However while testing I noticed things were running a little hot. So I looked up on the PissyWerld site, fans were £3.50 so I tried to order for store collection but the site wouldn't let me, giving a cryptic "Max Order 2" message. Those with experience of PissyWerld will know how much fail that place is, so read on for more fail.

So I got in the car and set off for Digby. On the way over I noticed a clanking noise, whenever the road was bumpy then something fell off the car. So I pull over and walk back up the road to retrieve a large chunk of my car’s suspension. So I had to call out the RAC man for a tow to what turned out to be the Isuzu truck workshop on Sowton, luckily they managed to get a new spring and fit it within a couple of hours and it wasn't too expensive overall.

So with newly fixed car I set off once again for Pissy World, and quickly located two 80mm case fans and took them to the till, where they wanted £4.99! I pointed out that they were £3.50 on the website and that I'd tried to order online but the site had errored. The cashier then told me that I wasn't allowed to reserve items if the store was low on stock. WTF! It could have explained that in English rather then "Max Order 2". Still I kicked off until they sold me the fans for £3.50!

So after all that fail I did at least have something to look forward too. Dru and I were hitting Exeter's sole Gay Bar so I got semi dressed up* and spent most of the night dancing to Lady GaGa (for some reason the DJ was playing two or three songs then another GaGa, or that Bad Boys song). I was getting so much attention too, though most of it unwanted (some old guy's chat up line was "I want to be in a relationship with you" - Darling I want someone much more fabulous!), so I slept alone but that wasn't a problem as I was happy enough with the confidence boost the evening had given me. Also one girl I met tried to introduce me to someone without asking my name, so she said I was a stripper called Tallulah! While that might be better then my current job I don't have the figure (or the confidence) for it. Would need some boobs, and prefer Burlesque! And I quite like the name Tallulah…

After all that, naturally I was rather akin to a Zombie on Sunday.

PS: I’ve just had the email to say that the fabulous Novatech have dispatched the new Power Supply!

*as in dressed up, but not overly so. I wore my Brian Molko angel top (evilbay), black skinny jeans (primani) and pixie boots (Priceless) with a short sleeved jacket (Primani).