This is faboulously Over the top!
And I like it!
I've had a fantastic weekend :)
Saturday I had to forgo the Pride workshop (probably a good thing) to pick my Gran up from the station and do family stuff
In the evening I glammed up in a short skirt, flame print pvc corset, new knee high boots* and a skinny top for Black Catz in Plymouth with Miss Dru. The club was very busy and I ended up dancing a lot with very pretty people. So much Egoboo! Finally got home about 5:15 :)
Its interesting to compare Plymouth clubbing with Exeter, In Plymouth the night has lots of publicity, is in a proper (albeit small) club in the city centre and is open up to 6am. The Exeter equivalent is a general metal night, in a Pub function room, a mile from the city centre, with limited promotion and it kicks out at midnight. I know Plymouth is bigger, but Catz is a niche Goth night - the Metal night is in C103 - using all of the huge three room club! I've seen smaller places do similar standards, even Truro (a fifth of the size of Exeter) had a monthly metal night in a proper club (till the venue went tits up)
Talking to a nice Transsexual lady on Saturday also yielding a very amusing piece of information. There is a monthly Tranny Club (not nightclub I hasten to add) at Clyst St George Village Hall. How Random!
On Sunday night I had a night of Wine and Wii. I'm starting to get a liking for Kirby…
*The boots arn't that new, but I've not had a chance to wear them out until now