Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Some Glamour Goals

This is really for my reference and I hope to tick them off as time goes by... Most of these I want to do in time for October's WGW. If not sooner :)
  • Get rid of my boi hair - now I'm more willing to show more flesh my arms are a little embarrassing
  • Get my brows done so they look more feminine, I'm a bit too skittish to do my own!
  • Work more on the makeup skills so I don't end up looking overdone.
  • Work on a daytime look that isn't wrapped up in many coats/hats & scarves.
Thinking a bit more, I'm less worried about being read then I was in the past. I might get some glances, but are they of admiration or fear? Hopefully the former, if its the latter then its their problem!

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