Thursday, 15 January 2009

A night with Bill

Last night I spent a fantastic evening with some friends (and their gorgeous rats) watching Bill Bailey's Tinselworm DVD. Quite a bit of material was familiar to us from seeing him at the Eden Project last summer, but there was enough that we hadn't seen as well as a few jokes only Devon locals would really appreciate. In a further confidence boost I went girled, it seems the more I do it the more confidence I get (aswell as improving my makeup).

Outfit (for those that are interested)
  • Black huge necked top (newly bought)
  • Black jeans
  • Huge belt (newly bought)
  • Pixie boots

For outside I added a coat, scarf, hat and gloves

I've been working on a couple of looks over the last day or so with the new stuff from the Primark spluge. Will keep experimenting over the next day or so and will take pictures if I come up with anything good.

Am back to work today so back to boy mode (but with black nails and possibly with eyeliner remains too *wink*)

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